java - Hibernate Search and Play Framework, how to build the Index -

i'm trying integrate hibernate search play framework application running. have problem building index, or thats think problem.

i have user:

@indexed @entity public class user extends model {     @field     public string firstname;     @field     public string lastname;     @field     public string email; } 

this persistence.xml:" version="2.0">

<persistence-unit name="default" transaction-type="resource_local">     <provider>org.hibernate.jpa.hibernatepersistenceprovider</provider>     <non-jta-data-source>defaultds</non-jta-data-source>     <class>models.user</class>      <properties>         <property name="hibernate.dialect"          value="org.hibernate.dialect.mysqldialect"/>         <property name="" value="update"/>          <property name=""                   value="filesystem"/>          <property name=""                   value="/users/<user>/lucene/indexes"/>     </properties> </persistence-unit> 

so seams logical me building of index (for data in database) should happen in onstart of globaladmin object. use jpa.withtransaction call indexer:

jpa.withtransaction(new f.callback0() {     @override     public void invoke() throws throwable {         fulltextentitymanager fulltextentitymanager =;         try {             fulltextentitymanager.createindexer().startandwait();         } catch (exception e) {             logger.error(e.getmessage());         }     } }); 

the problem get:

[error] o.h.e.j.s.sqlexceptionhelper - timed out waiting free available connection. [error] o.h.s.e.i.logerrorhandler - hsearch000058: hsearch000211: exception occurred while massindexer fetching primary identifiers list org.hibernate.exception.jdbcconnectionexception: not open connection     @ org.hibernate.exception.internal.sqlstateconversiondelegate.convert( ~[]     @ org.hibernate.exception.internal.standardsqlexceptionconverter.convert( ~[]     @ org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.sqlexceptionhelper.convert( ~[]     @ org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.sqlexceptionhelper.convert( ~[]     @ org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.internal.logicalconnectionimpl.obtainconnection( ~[] caused by: java.sql.sqlexception: timed out waiting free available connection.     @ com.jolbox.bonecp.defaultconnectionstrategy.getconnectioninternal( ~[bonecp-0.8.0.release.jar:na]     @ com.jolbox.bonecp.abstractconnectionstrategy.getconnection( ~[bonecp-0.8.0.release.jar:na]     @ com.jolbox.bonecp.bonecp.getconnection( ~[bonecp-0.8.0.release.jar:na]     @ com.jolbox.bonecp.bonecpdatasource.getconnection( ~[bonecp-0.8.0.release.jar:na]     @ org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.connections.internal.datasourceconnectionproviderimpl.getconnection( ~[] 

thanks help.


my search method in controller:

as in comments suggested, uncommented indexer in 'onstart'.

   @transactional     public static result list(int page, string filter, string sortby, string order) {          entitymanager em = jpa.em();          fulltextentitymanager fulltextentitymanager =;          querybuilder qb = fulltextentitymanager.getsearchfactory().buildquerybuilder().forentity(user.class).get();         query lucenequery = qb                         .keyword()                         .onfields("firstname", "lastname", "email")                         .matching(filter)                         .createquery();         // wrap lucene query in javax.persistence.query         javax.persistence.query jpaquery = fulltextentitymanager.createfulltextquery(lucenequery, user.class);         // execute search         list result = jpaquery.getresultlist();          page<user> userpage = new page<>(result,1,1,1);          //page<user> userpage =, 30, sortby, order, filter);         return ok(views.html.admin.customers.list.render(userpage, filter, sortby, order));     } 

this method first attempt use hibernate search. not return anything.

your problem not seem lie search directly. looking @ stacktrace, seems running out of jdbc connections. don't know bonecp myself, seems jdbc pool library. configuration it? have tried increase connection pool size?


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