javascript - Why tree view not rendered in div is it DOM element positioning error? -

i trying render tree childs in div using javascript , html. wondering why not rendering given objects created , fine in read of tree , parent json (see "data" in code).

note:i have layout.cshtml , shares top menu "application name" @ top ,

could 1 please let me know why tree don't appear in div id:jqxtree

my code 2nd edit: trying render tree childs in div using javascript , html. wondering why not rendering given objects created , fine in read of tree , parent json (see "data" in code).

could 1 please let me know why tree don't appear in div id:jqxtree

my code 2nd edit:

   @{     viewbag.title = "treecreation"; }  <h2>treecreation</h2>    <head>     <title></title>     <script src="~/bootstrap/js/livemap/ajax/jsonstringcarryingdata/jqx-all.js"></script>     <link href="~/bootstrap/css/livemap/jqx.base.css" rel="stylesheet" />     <link href="~/bootstrap/css/livemap/jqx.energyblue.css" rel="stylesheet" /> </head>  <body>     <div id='jqxtree' style="background-color:green; height:400px;width:200px;">     </div>     <script type="text/javascript">         var data = [    {        "text": "chocolate beverage",        "id": "1",        "parentid": "-1"    }, {        "id": "2",        "parentid": "1",        "text": "hot chocolate"    }, {        "id": "3",        "parentid": "1",        "text": "peppermint hot chocolate"    }, {        "id": "4",        "parentid": "1",        "text": "salted caramel hot chocolate"    }, {        "id": "5",        "parentid": "1",        "text": "white hot chocolate"    }, {        "id": "6",        "text": "espresso beverage",        "parentid": "-1"    }, {        "id": "7",        "parentid": "6",        "text": "caffe americano"    }, {        "id": "8",        "text": "caffe latte",        "parentid": "6"    }, {        "id": "9",        "text": "caffe mocha",        "parentid": "6"    }, {        "id": "10",        "text": "cappuccino",        "parentid": "6"    }, {        "id": "11",        "text": "pumpkin spice latte",        "parentid": "6"    }, {        "id": "12",        "text": "frappuccino",        "parentid": "-1"    }, {        "id": "13",        "text": "caffe vanilla frappuccino",        "parentid": "12"    }, {        "id": "15",        "text": "450 calories",        "parentid": "13"    }, {        "id": "16",        "text": "16g fat",        "parentid": "13"    }, {        "id": "17",        "text": "13g protein",        "parentid": "13"    }, {        "id": "14",        "text": "caffe vanilla frappuccino light",        "parentid": "12"    }]          function run() {             //  alert('inside buidldata');             var source = [];             var items = [];             // build hierarchical source.             alert('data length:' + data.length);             (i = 0; < data.length; i++) {                 var item = data[i];                 var label = item["text"];                 var parentid = item["parentid"];                 var id = item["id"];                  if (items[parentid]) {                     var item = { parentid: parentid, label: label, item: item };                     if (!items[parentid].items) {                         items[parentid].items = [];                     }                     items[parentid].items[items[parentid].items.length] = item;                     items[id] = item;                 }                 else {                     items[id] = { parentid: parentid, label: label, item: item };                     source[id] = items[id];                 }             }             return source;         }         // create jqxtree         var source = run();         alert('source:' + source);         $('#jqxtree').jqxtree(             {                 source: source, width: '350px'             });     </script> </body> 

it gives 2 errors , makes me feel there problem in jqx-all.js file copy , pasted link . please me stuck here since last 4 days

add reference required js files. i.e - contain source jq widgets.

the files required jqx-all.js, jqx.base.css , jqx.energyblue.css. add reference files shown below.

  <script type='text/javascript' src="jqx-all.js"></script>   <link rel="stylesheet" type='text/css' href='jqx.base.css'>   <link rel="stylesheet" type='text/css' href='jqx.energyblue.css'> 

note : above code assuming required files in same folder current html.

if using jqxtree, specific files vendor.

please refer working fiddle here external resources section on left pane show references required run code.


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