c# - Activereports PageReport creation by using custom data -

i wanna create page report based on custom class , pagereport contains table inside.

say example have customer data class follow

class customerdata  {   string name;   string id;   string address; } 

and create list<customerdata> customerlist contains customer data. want assign data datasource pagereport. know in sectionreport can this. how assign list of information pagereport. me

ultimately expecting output below

---------------------------------------------- |name       |      id        |     address    | ---------------------------------------------- |name1      |      id1       |     address1   | ---------------------------------------------- |name2      |      id2       |     address2   | ---------------------------------------------- |name3      |      id3       |     address3   | ---------------------------------------------- 


componentidinfo 1 of field

enter image description here

do, this:

        this._rptpath = new fileinfo(@"..\..\pagereport1.rdlx");         this._definition = new pagereport(this._rptpath);         this._definition.configurationprovider = new grapecity.activereports.configuration.defaultconfigurationprovider();          this._runtime = new pagedocument(this._definition);         this._runtime.locatedatasource += this.runtime_locatedatasource;         this.yourviewer.reportviewer.loaddocument(this._runtime); 

and on runtime_locatedatasource event, add following code:

private void runtime_locatedatasource(object sender, locatedatasourceeventargs args)     {         object data = null;         string datasetname = args.datasetname;         string datasourcename = args.datasourcename;          if (stringsareequal("datasource1", datasourcename))         {             if (stringsareequal("dataset1", datasetname))             {                 data = customerlistdatatable;             }         }          args.data = data;     }      private static bool stringsareequal(string str1, string str2)     {         return string.compare(str1, str2, true, cultureinfo.invariantculture) == 0;     } 

please note have create datasource named datasource1 , dataset named dataset1 in page report. , match column names of dataset1 customer's class public properties.

to add datasource , right click on outside of page report (gray area) , select property , datasource in property window.

how add datasource/dataset

  • in report explorer, right-click data sources node , select add data source option.
  • in report data source dialog appears, select general page , in name field, enter name datasource1.
  • right click data source node , select add data set option.
  • in dataset dialog appears, select general page , enter name of dataset dataset1. name appears child node data source icon in report explorer.
  • go fields tab , enter dataset's fields (columns) there

please note if cannot find report explorer, go visual studios view menu , go other windows.


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