php - 'Class 'App\Http\Controllers\Url' not found' -- Laravel 5 -

i have started learning laravel 5. following this tutorial. getting error. (class 'app\http\controllers\url' not found).
have attached image of code here.


whoops, looks went wrong.  1/1 fatalerrorexception in urlcontroller.php line 22: class 'app\http\controllers\url' not found in urlcontroller.php line 22 @ fatalerrorexception->__construct() in compiled.php line 1838 @ handleexceptions->fatalexceptionfromerror() in compiled.php line 1833 @ handleexceptions->handleshutdown() in compiled.php line 0 @ urlcontroller->store() in compiled.php line 8504 @ call_user_func_array:{c:\wamp\www\readit-later\vendor\compiled.php:8504}() in compiled.php line 8504 @ controller->callaction() in compiled.php line 8572 @ controllerdispatcher->call() in compiled.php line 8551 @ controllerdispatcher->illuminate\routing\{closure}() in compiled.php line 9190 

me out.

you should create model name url or whatever suits best inside app folder may generate url model artisan command

php artisan make:model url 

or can create 1 manually e.g

<?php namespace app;  use illuminate\database\eloquent\model; use illuminate\database\query\builder;  protected $table = 'table_name' // in case table name different plural of model name  class url extends model {  } 

and in controller use url model e.g

use app\url; 

and able use

$url = new url; $url->url = request::get('url'); //make sure have used use illuminate\http\request; in starting of controller  


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