excel - Using batch to find data in .csv and use output to continue batch -

i use batch retrieve first 2 letters of computer name (e.g. 'nl') , set %country%.

what use %country% search in .csv file in column (eg 'a7'). when batch has found information, has return column b (eg 'b7') , set %adv%.

@echo off  :home setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set csvfile=c:\users\username\desktop\test2.csv set country=%computername:~0,2%  :findit /f "tokens=*" %%a in (%csvfile%) (    set inline=%%a    /f "tokens=1-2 delims=," %%1 in ("!inline!") (       set "area=%%~1" & set "adv=%%~2"        goto :showres    ) )  :showres echo %adv% pause   


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