c++ - error C2039: 'get_quest_dynstr' : is not a member of '`global namespace' -

i error

error 2 error c2039: 'get_quest_dynstr' : not member of '`global namespace'' e:\phase3a\tdisk\workspace\cbs\source\cbs\schedapp\source\treesearchbox.cpp 17 1 schedapp

error 3 error c2039: 'checkcommand' : not member of '`global namespace'' e:\phase3a\tdisk\workspace\cbs\source\cbs\schedapp\source\treesearchbox.cpp 21 1 schedapp

when try compile c++ application.


#if !defined(tree_search_box) #define tree_search_box  #include "standaloneconn.hpp"  class tree_search_box : public standalone_conn { public:      tree_search_box();     virtual int get_quest_dynstr(int idquest, lptstr opstr, pdynobj dynpobj);     virtual int checkcommand(pbasewnd pwnd, int iditem, hwnd hwndctl, int wnotifycode, int indx);     virtual lptstr  get_classname(){return _text("tree_search_box");} };  #endif 


#include "cpptot.hpp" #include "apptot.hpp" #include "treesearchbox.hpp" #include "lov.hpp"   //****************************************************************************** // component: ifs/scheduling // // file name: treesearchbox.cpp //  // purpose:   contains object connecting standalone client directly oracle //               // ver          date        sign    history // ---          ----        ----    ------- //              150604      farflk  adding tree search functioanlity enhanced //******************************************************************************     int tree_search_box::get_quest_dynstr(int idquest, lptstr opstr, pdynobj dynpobj){     return 0;//get_quest_dynstr(idquest, opstr, dynpobj); }  int tree_search_box::checkcommand(pbasewnd pwnd, int iditem, hwnd hwndctl, int wnotifycode, int indx){     return 0; } 

i'm struggling long time on how rectify error. please me. doing wrong?

in beginning have guard block:

#if !defined(tree_search_box) #define tree_search_box 

which good. mean call #define tree_search_box means tree_search_box defined nothing. when compile, preprocessor scans files, , replaces tree_search_box . breaking code, because you're trying compile this:

int ::get_quest_dynstr(int idquest, lptstr opstr, pdynobj dynpobj){ ... 

where :: means global namespace.

there 2 ways fix this:

  • change guard block

     #if !defined(tree_search_box_something_else)  #define tree_search_box_something_else 
  • change class name.

what find interesting don't errors fact try compile:

class  : public standalone_conn{ 

but turns out can define anonymous class this:

class : baseclass {    //bla }; 

i guess learned today :)


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