Perl, the module XML::Twig fails tu install. Installing alternative -

please. forwarts. wath can alternativly, works xml? have en win 64 station.

cpanm (app::cpanminus) 1.7034 on perl 5.020002 built mswin32-x86-multi-thread-64int work directory c:\users\admin/.cpanm/work/1433352517.10892 have make c:\strawb~1\c\bin\dmake.exe have lwp 6.08 falling archive::tar 2.04 searching xml::twig () on cpanmetadb ... xml::twig date. (3.49) 

thanks! @r

nota bene : 11:46 - @cho..., m ... @sob... do. , cam afternoun. many thanks! @r

install (19:02) on \dwim: xml::twig , number::format , moor @r

that's not failure. it's told @ end there.

xml::twig date. (3.49) 

you have xml::twig installed , the latest version, 3.49.


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