dom - Get an HTML element's line number -

was wondering if there better way find elements line number in sources code.

this i've go far:

// item user clicking on: var focused = doc.getselection().anchornode; if(focused.nodetype == 3){ // text node     focused = focused.parentnode; }  // entire page string // note: <!doctype> not included in this! var pagestr = doc.documentelement.outerhtml;  // focused node's parent ,  // find begins in page. var parentnodestr   = focused.outerhtml; var parentnodeindex = pagestr.indexof(parentnodestr);  // find focused node begins in it's parent. var focusedstr      = focused.outerhtml; var focusedindex    = parentnodestr.indexof(focusedstr);  // find focused node begins in overall page. var actualindex     = parentnodeindex - focusedindex;  // grab text above focused node // , count number of lines. var contentabove    = pagestr.substr(0, actualindex); var linenumbers     = contentabove.split("\n").length;  console.log("linecount", linenumbers); 

here's better solution i've come with, down road that's using ace or codemirror in conjunction contenteditable:

setup (for newbies)

we can obtain user selecting using:

var sel = document.getselection(); 

the beginning of selection called "anchor" , end called "focus". example, when select few words of text, there beginning , end of selection.

var anchorpoint = elementpointincode(sel.anchornode, sel.anchoroffset); var focuspoint = elementpointincode(sel.focusnode, sel.focusoffset); 

since html contains tags , readable text, there offset. example:

<p>abcdefgh</p> // ...^ 

the offset index within text node string. in our example letter "d" offset 4 characters entry point of &gtp&lt tag. offset 0 based, offset 3.

we offset using:

var offset = sel.anchoroffset; // -- or -- var offset = sel.focusoffset; 

... depending on want, beginning of end.


function elementpointincode(element, offset) {      // there may or may not offset.     offset =  offset || 0;      var node = element;      // process first node because it'll more-than-likely text node.     // , don't want go matching text against of node html.     //  e.g. <a href="page.html">page 1</a>     //      text "page" sould match "page" within <a> attributes.      var strindex;     var str;      // bump text nodes parent     if(node.nodetype == 3) {         node = node.parentnode;         str = node.outerhtml;         strindex = str.indexof(">") + offset + 1;     } else {         strindex = ;     }      // contain html string of root node.     var parentnodestr = "";     while(node){          // current node's html.         var str = node.outerhtml;          // preemptively snag parent         var parent = node.parentnode;          if(parent && str){              // <html> root, won't have parent.             var outer = parent.outerhtml;              if(outer){                  // stash node's html post processing.                 parentnodestr = outer;                  // cumulatively count offset's within each node                 strindex += parentnodestr.indexof( str );              }          }          // work our way root         node = parent;      }      // chop root html our cumulative string index     var str = parentnodestr.substr(0, strindex);      var astr = str.split("\n" );      return {         row : astr.length,         col : astr.pop().length     }  }; 


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