java - How to place a JButton at a specific x - y point on a JPanel -

general code: issues below reference classes

public class board extends jpanel {   public board() {     boardmethods = new boardmethods();//boardmethods handles logic     a.printboard(getboard());//irrelevant question, helps determine winner     jpanel panellordy = new jpanel(new flowlayout());      //jbutton alphabutton = new jbutton("hi");     //alphabutton.setbounds(213,131,100,100);     //add(alphabutton); }  public int[][] getboard(){     return boardevalmatrix; } public void paintcomponent(graphics g){     g.setcolor(;     g.fillrect(0, 0, 1456, 916);     graphics2d newg = (graphics2d) g;     newg.setstroke(new basicstroke(15));     g.setcolor(color.yellow);     for(int = 0; < 6; a++)//rows board --- rowheight 127         g.drawrect(128, 68 + (a*127), 1200, 127);     g.setcolor(;     newg.setstroke(new basicstroke(8));     for(int = 0; < 6; a++)//columns board --- columnwidth 171         g.drawrect(128 + (a*171), 68, 171, 764);             for(int = 0; < 6; a++)//give rows black line in middle         g.drawrect(128, 68 + (a*127), 1200, 127);     //g.drawstring("h", 213, 131); center point          //g.drawline(50,0, 1456, 916); //width 1456 length 916 - school computer monitors     jbutton alphabutton = new jbutton("hi");     alphabutton.setbounds(213,131,100,100);     bored.add(alphabutton);  } }   public class gameboard extends jpanel {  private board bored; private roundbutton[][] buttonarray;//holds roundbuttons on board private jpanel resetpanel, quitpanel;  public gameboard() {     setlayout(new borderlayout());      buttonarray = new roundbutton[6][7];     for(int = 0; < buttonarray.length; a++)         for(int b = 0; b < buttonarray[0].length; b++)       bored = new board();     add(bored,;      resetpanel = new jpanel();     resetpanel.setlayout(new flowlayout());     this.add(resetpanel, borderlayout.north);     quitpanel = new jpanel();     quitpanel.setlayout(new flowlayout());     this.add(quitpanel, borderlayout.south);      jbutton resetbutton = new jbutton("reset");     resetbutton.addactionlistener(new resetlistener());     resetpanel.add(resetbutton);//resets board     jbutton quitbutton = new jbutton("quit");     quitbutton.addactionlistener(new quitlistener());     quitpanel.add(quitbutton);      //jbutton alphabutton = new jbutton("hi");     //alphabutton.setbounds(213,131,100,100);     //bored.add(alphabutton);   } } 

issue 1:

i found question regarding how place jbutton @ location, however, have circular appearing jbuttons , need jbutton centered on point, in case, 213,131. using setbounds(int x, int y, int width, int height) method place jbutton. there way have jbutton center on coordinate mentioned above, or have play numbers want? line can found in both classes above, testing , found issue described in issue 2.

jbutton alphabutton = new jbutton("hi"); alphabutton.setbounds(213,131,100,100); add(alphabutton); 

issue 2:

if @ class board, in paintcomponent method use setbounds() method place jbutton. works , places button believe correct dimensions on jpanel when paintcomponent() method called top left corner in correct location. however, when screen refreshed, paintcomponent() again called , number of buttons continues increase, fun mess not want. however, when move setbounds method , alphabutton anywhere outside of board's paintcomponent() method, is, putting class board painted on, inside board constructor, jbutton propagation issue ceases, however, jbutton no longer places @ correct coordinate point , loses dimensions gave it. how fix this?

p.s. see setbounds method several times. in real code, setbounds method , jbutton calling exist in 1 class @ time, entered here multiple times show placed it.

never use setbounds(), stick layout manager.

flowlayout will automatically center component. better use borderlayout, , set center.


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