php - ping webserver and store in mysql database -

trying ping server using

function pingdomain($domain){     $starttime = microtime(true);     $file      = fsockopen ($domain, 80, $errno, $errstr, 10);     $stoptime  = microtime(true);     $status    = 0;  if (!$file) $status = -1;  // site down else {     fclose($file);     $status = ($stoptime - $starttime) * 1000;     $status = floor($status); } return $status; } 

and i'm trying pass variable off mysql database, record attempts. best way this?

create table in db following columns:

  • id - int - auto incrementing
  • duration - bigint
  • timestamp - timestamp - set now() on insert

then, firstly, connect database:

$server = 'localhost'; $username = 'your_username_here'; $password = 'your_password_here'; $database = 'your_db'; try  {     $db = new pdo("mysql:host=$server;dbname=$database;charset=utf8", $username , $password ); }  catch (pdoexception $e)  {     print "error!: " . $e->getmessage() . "<br/>";     die(); } 

then insert row so:

$query = $db->prepare("insert the_table_name (duration) values (:duration)"); $query->execute(array(":duration" => $status)); 

i think should work fine.


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