c - scanf() to get in the string on the second time -

what wrong scanf() in string on second time, can't input string on second time. not sure error occurs, can't program function well

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h>  int main() {     //variables decleration     char staff_name1[31];     char staff_name2[31];     float sales1, sales2;      //input     printf("enter staff name\t> ");     scanf("%[^\n]s", staff_name1);      printf("enter sales amount\t> ");     scanf("%f", &sales1);      printf("\nenter staff name \t> ");//error,can't input string     fflush(stdin);     scanf("%[^\n]s", staff_name2);      printf("\nenter sales amount\t> ");     scanf("%f", &sales2);      printf("\n");      //output     printf("staff name\t\t\t\tsales amount\n");     printf("===================\t\t=============\n");     printf("%-20s \t%12.2f\n", staff_name1, sales1);     printf("%-20s \t%12.2f\n", staff_name2, sales2);   } 

my output of code below:

warning: program uses gets(), unsafe.  enter staff name   > kh s enter sales amount > 134.14  enter staff name   >  enter sales amount > 141243.14  staff name              sales amount ===================     ============= kh s                          134.14                            141243.14 

i can't input second staff name. can please me solve this??


is undefined behaviour in standard c. flush newline character, use getchar() instead.

printf("\nenter staff name \t> "); getchar(); scanf("%[^\n]s", staff_name2); 

i use fgets() instead of scanf read line , trim newline if necessary, offers better control on invalid inputs being entered user , against buffer overflows.


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