c++ - WSARecv() and multiple buffers -

i precision wsarecv.

basically seems can use function array of wsabufs.

1- in overlapped i/o context without completion ports, use wsarecv() on datagram socket array of 48 wsabufs, means can receive 48 different udp packets (1 packet each buffer) in single call (say arrive @ same exact moment)? or way receive 48 packets use wsarecv() 48 times after event has been signaled (using overlapped i/o events not completion ports, repeat).

2- in context with i/o completion ports/overlapped i/o, means can replace this

int n = 48; (int = 0; < n; i++)    wsarecv(sock, &buffer_array[i], 1, null, 0, &overlapped, completion_routine); 

with this?

wsarecv(sock, buffer_array, 48, null, 0, &overlapped, completion_routine); 

basically mean's calling wsarecv() 48 buffers post 48 read requests?

3- if not, purpose of array of wsabuf's? mean, 1 of correct size suffice no?

thanks lot!

one wsarecv() == 1 datagram. multiple buffers allow split datagram header, body, trailer, etc., if know how big things in advance. doesn't let receive 48 datagrams @ once.


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