Qt Creator. Qt Quick Application screen doesn't show up on my Android device -

i'm new qt creator , i'm attempting create simple application. far it's basic main screen. have written qml code, , tried run on oneplus 1 android phone. have necessary components in order run program on phone, qt examples have worked fine.

the application builds , installs on device, resolves in blank black screen, nothing on it. have tried 2 hours different possible solutions, nothing has worked. can point me in right direction, please?

my qml code (the pictures correctly added directory), else unaltered:

import qtquick 2.3 import qtquick.window 2.2 import qtquick.controls 1.3  window {     id: applicationwindow1     visible: true     width: 360     height: 360     color: "#343434"       image {         id: cammbutticon         x: 208         y: 169         width: 150         height: 150         opacity: 1         fillmode: image.preserveaspectfit         anchors.verticalcenter: parent.verticalcenter         anchors.horizontalcenter: parent.horizontalcenter         source: "camera-icon.png"           rectangle {             id: centrect             width: 150             height: 150             opacity: 1             color: "#00000000"             radius: 35             border.color: "#ef0707"             border.width: 3              mousearea {                 id: mouseareacam                 anchors.fill: parent                 onclicked: 'go camera'             }          }     }      image {         id: exitman         x: 473         y: 338         width: 150         height: 120         opacity: 1         sourcesize.height: 250         sourcesize.width: 250         anchors.right: parent.right         anchors.rightmargin: -15         anchors.bottom: parent.bottom         anchors.bottommargin: -10         source: "exitman.png"           rectangle {             id: exitrect             x: 37             y: 12             width: 100             height: 100             opacity: 1             color: "#00000000"             radius: 35             border.width: 3             border.color: "#ef0707"             anchors.right: parent.right             anchors.rightmargin: 20             anchors.bottom: parent.bottom             anchors.bottommargin: 15              mousearea {                 id: mouseareaexit                 anchors.fill: parent                 onclicked: qt.quit()             }          }     }     label {         id: welcometext         width: 227         height: 130         opacity: 1         color: "#ef0707"         text: qstr("welcome application")         anchors.top: parent.top         anchors.topmargin: -8         stylecolor: "#f9f9f9"         style: text.normal         font.bold: false         font.pointsize: 20         font.family: "arial"         verticalalignment: text.alignvcenter         horizontalalignment: text.alignhcenter         wrapmode: text.wordwrap         anchors.verticalcenteroffset: -123         anchors.horizontalcenteroffset: 1         anchors.centerin: parent     } } 


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