Phantomjs fails when Protractor is run with selenium hub -

i have protractor config file follows , use phantomjs run tests. works when use seleniumserverjar fails when use seleniumaddress (pointing hub) 'the driver executable not exist' message! there specific config run phantomjs selenium-hub?

exports.config = {     //fails when use   //seleniumaddress:"", //works when use selenium-standalone jar seleniumserverjar: '../../../node_modules/protractor/selenium/selenium-server-standalone-2.45.0.jar',    framework: 'cucumber',   specs: [ 'features/*.feature'   ],     capabilities: {         "browsername": "phantomjs",         "phantomjs.binary.path": require("phantomjs").path,         "phantomjs.ghostdriver.cli.args": ["--loglevel=debug"]   },    baseurl: '',    rootelement: 'body',    resultjsonoutputfile: 'src/test/report.json',    cucumberopts: {         require: 'features/steps/*_steps.js',         }  }; 


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