ios - Parse and Swift. Set tableViewCell accessory type from Parse relation -

so, have got tableview shows courses. user able set checkmarks on these courses (cells) , save them in pfuser object relation courses class (where courses stored). question is, how checkmark courses user has saved @ point before.

this attempt, don’t know how continue. how cells specific label? (or there better way?)

    let courserel = pfuser.currentuser()?.relationforkey("usercourses")     let query = courserel!.query()     let qobjects :array = query!.findobjects()!     println(qobjects)     var qobjectscount = qobjects.count; qobjectscount > 0; --qobjectscount {         var qanobject: anyobject = qobjects[qobjectscount - 1]         var coursename = qanobject["coursename"]         println(coursename)         if let cell: anyobject? = tableview.dequeuereusablecellwithidentifier("coursecell"){          }      } 

edit: code in override viewdidload


override func tableview(tableview: uitableview, cellforrowatindexpath indexpath: nsindexpath, object: pfobject?) -> pftableviewcell {      var cell = tableview.dequeuereusablecellwithidentifier("coursecell") as! pftableviewcell!     if cell == nil {         cell = pftableviewcell(style: uitableviewcellstyle.default, reuseidentifier: "coursecell")     }      let courserel = pfuser.currentuser()?.relationforkey("usercourses")     let query = courserel!.query()     let qobjects :array = query!.findobjects()!       // extract values pfobject display in table cell     if let coursename = object?["coursename"] as? string {         cell?.textlabel?.text = coursename           if contains(qobjects, object) {             cell?.accessorytype = uitableviewcellaccessorytype.checkmark         }     }      return cell } 

error in line ‚if contains(qobjects, object) {'

generic parameter 's.generator.element’ cannot bound non-@objc protocol type 'anyobject'


    override func tableview(tableview: uitableview, cellforrowatindexpath indexpath: nsindexpath, object: pfobject?) -> pftableviewcell {      var cell = tableview.dequeuereusablecellwithidentifier("coursecell") as! pftableviewcell!     if cell == nil {         cell = pftableviewcell(style: uitableviewcellstyle.default, reuseidentifier: "coursecell")     }      let courserel = pfuser.currentuser()?.relationforkey("usercourses")     let query = courserel!.query()     let qobjects :array = query!.findobjects()!       // extract values pfobject display in table cell     if let coursename = object?["coursename"] as? string {         cell?.textlabel?.text = coursename         cell.tintcolor = uicolor.blackcolor()     }      if contains(qobjects, { $0 === object }) {         cell?.accessorytype = uitableviewcellaccessorytype.checkmark         self.selectedrows.addindex(indexpath.row)     }else{         cell?.accessorytype = uitableviewcellaccessorytype.none     }      return cell } 

edit4: (working code)

in class:

// initializing qobject variable  var qobjects :array<anyobject> = [] 

in objectsdidload:

    // pfobjects checkmarks on courses currentuser has selected before     let courserel = pfuser.currentuser()?.relationforkey("usercourses")     let query = courserel!.query()     qobjects = query!.findobjects()! 

in tableview(cellforrowatindexpath):

    // extract values pfobject display in table cell     if contains(qobjects, { $0 === object }) {         cell.accessorytype = uitableviewcellaccessorytype.checkmark         self.selectedrows.addindex(indexpath.row)     } else {         cell.accessorytype = uitableviewcellaccessorytype.none     } 

don't try search cell. well, can, not you're trying - i'll come that.

your current code creating new cells, not finding existing cells, won't work.

what should doing storing array of returned objects, qobjects, , when you're configuring cell display checking if array contains object current cell. if does, tick it, otherwise remove tick.

now, if load of qobjects happens after view shown have 2 options:

  1. reload table view
  2. update visible items

option 2. better, if user might scrolling list. want use array returned calling indexpathsforvisiblerows on table view. then, iterate list, associated object , check if it's in qobjects, cell on display cellforrowatindexpath: , update it.


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