config - What does SGE mean by "positive submission priority requires operator privileges"? -

i relatively new sge , encountering error when try run jobs:

"system error message: unable run job: job rejected: positive submission priority requires operator privileges."

i have added several users, created access list (users) , added them it, set user_lists = users in main queue.

do users each need added operators list well? why this?

as error message implies, priority of jobs submitting, , value illegal? priority of jobs regular users cannot positive:

-p priority               available qsub, qsh, qrsh, qlogin , qalter only.                defines  or redefines priority of job relative other jobs.  prior-               ity integer in range -1023 1024.  default priority value               jobs 0.                users may decrease priority of jobs.  grid engine managers ,               administrators may increase priority  associated   jobs.  if                pending  job has higher priority, earlier eligible being dispatched               grid engine scheduler. 

in general, users should not operators. operator admin user. so, suspect submitting job illegal default priority. maybe set invalid value in sge_request config file?

example sge_request file in $sge_root/default/common/sge_request:

# # # file contains cell wide default submit options # automatically applied job submission requests. users can rid of # these defaults using -clear option. # # see sge_request(5) detailed description of file format. # #___info__mark_begin__ ########################################################################## # #  contents of file made available subject terms of #  sun industry standards source license version 1.2 # #  sun microsystems inc., march, 2001 # # #  sun industry standards source license version 1.2 #  ================================================= #  contents of file subject sun industry standards #  source license version 1.2 (the "license"); may not use file #  except in compliance license. may obtain copy of #  license @ # #  software provided under license provided on "as is" basis, #  without warranty of kind, either expressed or implied, including, #  without limitation, warranties software free of defects, #  merchantable, fit particular purpose, or non-infringing. #  see license specific provisions governing rights , #  obligations concerning software. # #  initial developer of original code is: sun microsystems, inc. # #  copyright: 2001 sun microsystems, inc. # #  rights reserved. # ########################################################################## #___info__mark_end__  # # sample #1 prevents job submissions of jobs can # never scheduled. # # -w e #  # # sample #2 causes jobs standard error stream merged # standard outout stream. # # -j y #  # # sample #3 assigns low default submit priority. higher # prior jobs priority can increased @ jobs submission # time uing "-p <higher_priority>". value of # <higher_priority> may not exeed 0 because priorities above # value can set managers. # # please notice in grd submission priorities have # different meaning. # -q short.q -l h_vmem=3g 


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