c# - WCF Binding SOAP 1.1 requests with both "application/xml" and "text/xml" ContentTypes -

i attempting replace legacy soap 1.1 web service new wcf service.

there many existing clients , not feasible change them.

i've created service , works clients 1 vexing exception.

since old service soap 1.1, tried used basichttpbinding, like:

<bindings>     <basichttpbinding>         <binding name="whatever" />     </basichttpbinding> </bindings>  

most of inbound messages following example, , works fine:

post http://mysoapwebserviceurl/service.svc http/1.1 soapaction: dosomething content-type: text/xml;charset=utf-8 content-length: 1234 host: mysoapwebserviceurl  <soap:envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:soapenc="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/">     <soap:body soap:encodingstyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/">         <xml:inputstuffhere />     </soap:body> </soap:envelope> 

my issue couple of callers sending same message except content-type of 'application/xml' in headers, , receiving error:

error: 415 cannot process message because content type 'application/xml' not expected type 'text/xml'.

i've tried switching binding wshttpbinding or webhttpbinding.

however, cannot find combination of settings on either of bindings allow content types of both 'application/xml' , 'text/xml' , soap 1.1 style "soapaction" addressing in header.

i've tried implement custom text message encoder, starting microsoft's wcf example customtextmessageencodingelement.

however, using custom text messaging encoder can set mediatype either 'application/xml' or 'text/xml'. but, not surprisingly, clients sending specified content-type succeed clients using other content-type fail.

i've attempted set mediatype including wildcard '*/xml', fails callers.

is there way create wcf binding service accept content type of either 'application/xml' or 'text/xml'?

i believe trying impossible.

i have concluded wcf inappropriate technology implementing backwards-compatible replacement legacy soap web service allowed various content-type values in headers.

instead, have implemented custom httpmodule using system.web.ihttpmodule.

basic implementation details follow, else has found down rabbit hole , needs way out.


public class mycustomhttpmodule : ihttpmodule {     public void init(httpapplication context)     {         context.beginrequest += onbegin;     }      private void onbegin(object sender, eventargs e)     {         var app = (httpapplication) sender;         var context = app.context;          if (context.request.httpmethod == "post")         {             string soapactionheader = context.request.headers["soapaction"];             byte[] buffer = new byte[context.request.inputstream.length];             context.request.inputstream.read(buffer, 0, buffer.length);             context.request.inputstream.position = 0;              string rawrequest = encoding.ascii.getstring(buffer);              var soapenvelope = new xmldocument();             soapenvelope.loadxml(rawrequest);              string response = dosomemagic(soapactionheader, soapenvelope);              context.response.contenttype = "text/xml";             context.response.contentencoding = encoding.utf8;             context.response.write(response);         }         else         {             //do else             //returning wsdl file appropriate request nice         }          context.response.flush();         context.response.suppresscontent = true;         context.applicationinstance.completerequest();     }      private string dosomemagic(string soapactionheader, xmldocument soapenvelope)     {         //magic happens here     }      public void dispose()     {        //nothing happens here        //a dispose() implementation required ihttpmodule interface     } } 


<system.webserver>     <modules runallmanagedmodulesforallrequests="true">         <add name="mycustomhttpmodule" type="appropriatenamespace.mycustomhttpmodule"/>     </modules> </system.webserver> 


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