Python Django REST API test -

as first attempt in python create api test, test file looks this:

from django.test import testcase, requestfactory customer.models import customer, customerstatus customer.views import customerpartialview rest_framework.test import apirequestfactory   import pprint django.utils import timezone  class customertest(testcase) :      def setup(self) :         self.factory = requestfactory()          self.cust_status = customerstatus.objects.create(             status_id=1,name="banned",description="test desc" )          self.customer = customer.objects.create(             guid='b27a3251-56e0-4870-8a03-27b0e92af9e5',   ,             status_id=1,first_name='hamster')        def test_get_customer(self) :         """                                                                                                                  ensure can customer db through api                                                                 """         factory = apirequestfactory()         request = factory.get('/customer/b27a3251-56e0-4870-8a03-27b0e92af9e5')         reponse = customerpartialview(request)  #in here need check: = "hamster" 

what achieve insert dummy data database , using apirequestfactory retrieve individual customer record , make sure first name matches expect.

i have managed far not sure next.

my questions are:

  1. am on right track?
  2. how test result i.e. = hamster ?
  3. is there better way of doing trying achieve

i newbie python apologise in advance if there major fails in code.


if understand right think problem you're using instead of['first_name'], dict.

so should like:

self.assertequal(['first_name'], 'hamster') 

or, i'd recommened:

self.assertequal(['first_name'], self.customer.first_name) 

i'd think it's bit neater change request url '/customer/%s' % self.customer.guid saves re-writing string.


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