angularjs - angular directly send $scope parameter from view to service or factory -

i have factory , need call factory view. want call factory 2 parameters. possible send $scope template?

because, using same factory multiple places.

<input name="accnum" ng-blur="myservice.getaccountdetailstodisplay($scope, accno)" /> 


 $scope.myservice= getalldetailsservice; 

in service,

tellerapp.factory('getalldetailsservice',['$rootscope', '$resource', '$http', '$filter', '$window',  function ($rootscope, $resource, $http, $filter, $window) {     return{             getaccountdetailstodisplay: function ($scope, accountnumber) {            console.log('>>>>>>');              } };       }]); 

service should directly depends on scope, indirectly depend on each other. if pass $scope service become tightly couple specific controller.

like in case pass accountnumber, service make required operation doing ajax call or fetching data somewhere.


tellerapp.factory('getalldetailsservice', ['$rootscope', '$resource', '$filter', '$window', function($rootscope, $resource, $http, $filter, $window) {     return {         getaccountdetailstodisplay: function(accountnumber) {             return $http.get('/getaccountdetails?accountnumber=' + accountnumber).then(function(res) {                 //here addtional operation on data.                 return; //giving access data             });         }     }; }]); 


$scope.myservice= getalldetailsservice //this line ensure updation in scope $scope.myservice.accountdetailstodisplay = getalldetailsservice.accountdetailstodisplay;  


 <input name="accnum" ng-blur="myservice.getaccountdetailstodisplay(accno)"/> 

likewise in above code didn't use $scope parameter, service method return whatever data fetched service, , whoever use service method can data return service. after getting data service controller modify scope in own context.


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