r - How do I use Quantmod to query Yahoo for the existence of a stock symbol -

i've been using quantmod in r , been using

getsymbols(allsymbols, src = 'yahoo', warnings = true)

however i've got file of on 8000 stocks want query , lot of them aren't valid in yahoo's data source.

so i'd check them against list of existing stocks , adjust list of symbols include valid ones.

i've gone through quantmod documentation , can't find there. maybe it's not possible within quantmod, perhaps way of doing it?

i did extensive amount of research while ago on , unfortunately didn't anywhere. list can effortlessly through stocksymbols {ttr} function hands in limited list of 7000 ticker symbols, traded on amex nasdaq , nyse, yahoo! finance:

require(ttr) tickerslist <- stocksymbols() 

fyi there's been detailed discussion here.

hope helps.


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