javascript - Web forms ajax postback dialog endrequest - source element null -

i've inherited code, , can't seem part of working. source element in ajaxendrequest method coming null when ok button of dialog pushed. other button, , comes correct element (i.e. not dialog). can offer hints on how working? please let me know if have questions. in advance. (also - sorry mountains of code - i've attached thats relevant it).

page load

protected void page_load(object sender, eventargs e) {     this._uipurchaseorders.registerdopostbackscript(this); } 

dopostback script

internal void registerdopostbackscript(page page) {     updatepanel linesupdatepanel = page.master.findchildcontrol<updatepanel>("contentplaceholder linespanel");     updatepanel headerupdatepanel = page.master.findchildcontrol<updatepanel>("contentplaceholder headerpanel");     string linesupdatepanelid = linesupdatepanel != null ? linesupdatepanel.clientid : "";     string headerupdatepanelid = headerupdatepanel != null ? headerupdatepanel.clientid : "";      string postbackmethod = string.format(@"     function dopostback(argument, refreshlines, refreshheader) {{         var panelstorefresh = [];         if (refreshlines) panelstorefresh.push(""{0}"");         if (refreshheader) panelstorefresh.push(""{1}"");         sys.webforms.pagerequestmanager.getinstance().beginasyncpostback(panelstorefresh, ""{2}"", argument, null, null);     }}", linesupdatepanelid, headerupdatepanelid, page.clientid);      page.clientscript.registerclientscriptblock(page.gettype(), "dopostback", postbackmethod, true); } 

dialog html

<asp:updatepanel runat="server">     <contenttemplate>         <asp:panel runat="server">             <asp:button text="receive" runat="server" width="100" commandargument="receive" id="receivebutton" onclientclick='<%# "return validatereceipt(\&#39;" + eval("rowid") + "\&#39;)" %>' />         </asp:panel>     </contenttemplate> </asp:updatepanel> <div id="confirmdialog" style="display:none;">     <br />     on receiving item. continue receive? </div> 


$(function () {     sys.webforms.pagerequestmanager.getinstance().add_pageloaded(ajaxpageloaded);      sys.webforms.pagerequestmanager.getinstance().add_endrequest(ajaxendrequest);     configuredialog("#confirmdialog", null, 180, "confirm received", null, "ok", "cancel", function (dialogaction) { dopostback(dialogaction, false, true); }); }); 

configure dialog

function configuredialog(selector, width, height, title, action, okbutton, cancelbutton, postbackaction, validationgroup, closeaction) {     $(selector).dialog({         autoopen: false,         modal: true,         appendto: "form",         title: title,         close: function (event, ui) {             var dialogaction = $("#dialogaction").val();             if (dialogaction != "") {                 postbackaction(dialogaction);             }         }     });      $(selector).keydown(function (event) {         if (event.keycode == 13) {             $(this).parent().find(".ui-dialog-buttonpane button:eq(0)").trigger("click");             return false;         }     });      var buttons = {};      if (okbutton != null) {         buttons[okbutton] = function () {             var isvalid = true;              if (validationgroup != undefined) {                 isvalid = performgroupvalidation(validationgroup);             }              if (isvalid) {                 if (action != null) $("#dialogaction").val(action);                 if (closeaction != undefined) closeaction();                 $(this).dialog("close");             }         };     }      if (cancelbutton != null) {         buttons[cancelbutton] = function () {             if (action != null) $("#dialogaction").val("");             if (closeaction != undefined) closeaction();             $(this).dialog("close");         };     }      $(selector).dialog("option", "buttons", buttons);      if (width != null) {         $(selector).dialog({             width: width         });     }      if (height != null) {         $(selector).dialog({             height: height         });     } } 

dialog opening

function validatereceipt(rowid) {     var row = $("input[value='" + rowid + "']").closest("tr").next();     var lineinfo = getlineinfo(row);      var valid = performgroupvalidation(rowid);      if (valid && (lineinfo.quantityreceived + lineinfo.receivequantity  > lineinfo.quantityordered)) {         $("#confirmdialog").dialog({             buttons: {                 "ok": {                     id: "receivepook",                     text: "ok",                     click: function () {                         $("#dialogaction").val("receivepo[..]" + rowid);                         $("#receivedrow").val(rowid);                         $(this).dialog("close");                     }                 },                 "cancel": function () {                     $("#dialogaction").val("");                     $(this).dialog("close");                 }             }         });          $("#confirmdialog").dialog("open");         return false;     }      if (valid && !lineinfo.stockdetailspopulated) {         $("#newstockdetailsdialog").dialog("open");         return true;     }      return valid; } 

get source element

function getsourceelement(sender, args) {     if (sender._postbacksettings.sourceelement == null) {         return null;     }     else {         return sender._postbacksettings.sourceelement;     } } 


function ajaxendrequest(sender, args) {     var sourceelement = getsourceelement(sender, args);     if (sourceelement == null) return;     var source = $(sourceelement);      if (sourceelement...) {         ...     }     else if ...     else if ( == "receivepook") {         // never gets here, because source element null         var rowid = $("input[id*='receivedrow']").val();         var row = $("input[value='" + rowid + "']").closest("tr").next();         var parentrow = row.prev();          var quantityreceived = $(".quantityreceivedfield input", row).val();         $(".linequantityreceived", parentrow).html(quantityreceived);         calculategrandtotal();          $("input[id*='receivedrow']").val("");     } } 


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