java - OLE: embed microsoft word without add ins -

as described here start word without add ins, possible start ms word without "add ins" or in "safe mode".
wondering if possible in swt application, embedding word using ole?

right following:

new olecontrolsite(clientframe, swt.none, "word.document") 

maybe there program id, similar "word.document" forces word start without add ins?
maybe there property or setting accomplishes this?

this code, in eclipse forum, disables add-ins after word loaded:

int idaddins = application.getidsofnames(new string[] {"comaddins"})[0]; variant addinsvar = application.getproperty(idaddins); oleautomation addins = addinsvar.getautomation();  int countid = addins.getidsofnames(new string[] {"count"})[0]; variant countvariant = addins.getproperty(countid);  int addinsitemid = addins.getidsofnames(new string[] {"item"})[0]; (int = 1; <= countvariant.getint(); i++) {     variant addinsitemvariant = addins.invoke(addinsitemid, new variant[] {new variant(i)});     oleautomation addinsitem = addinsitemvariant.getautomation();      int addinsitemconnectid = addinsitem.getidsofnames(new string[] { "connect" })[0];     if (addinsitem.getproperty(addinsitemconnectid).getboolean()) {         int addinsitemnameid = addinsitem.getidsofnames(new string[] { "progid" })[0];         variant addinsitemnamevariant = addinsitem.getproperty(addinsitemnameid);         string name = addinsitemnamevariant.getstring();                         addinsitem.setproperty(addinsitemconnectid, new variant(false));     } } 

warning: disables add-ins outside of application, might want enable after closing application.


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