php - osticket ticket Strip Quoted Reply -

i developing site osticket v1.9.8 ticket system, works fine, know how accomplish thread mail structure while agent or admin post reply customer.

i.e when osticket admin post reply customer, mail should contain following:

  • reply text
  • original thread message posted customer (question).and if there conversations made between them. should listed. (just thread mail structure or similar support mail replies).

these steps have done far:

  • i have disabled strip quoted reply check box in settings.php(admin panel->settings->email)
  • when admin post reply ticket, select box response shows 2 options 1:original message- when selected append original thread message posted customer in reply textarea box. 2:last message- when selected append last message in reply textarea box.

how bring entire conversation in textarea box or in reply mail.

btw,i tried post question in forum page. couldn't find how post new one.

thanks in advance.

it looks easiest way change way "original message" works. that, edit file @ /include/class.thread.php , around line 2513, change line:

         $entry = $this->entries->filter(array(             'type' => messagethreadentry::entry_type,             'flags__hasbit' => threadentry::flag_original_message,             ))             ->order_by('id')             ->first(); 

to this:

 $entry = $this->entries->filter(array(             'type' => messagethreadentry::entry_type,             'flags__hasbit' => threadentry::flag_original_message,             ))             ->order_by('id');             //->first(); //commenting line; 


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