url - AJAX : Passing null parameter in GET request -

i couldn't find anything, i'm asking here little help! i'm sure it's super easy i'm stucked anyway.

i've created mvc application in order gather data (in ajax) camunda via rest api. 1 property of stuff (tasks, more precise) need "assignee". value filled username, can empty (in case, it's filled "null").

but here's problem: can't manage gather tasks value (in fact, i'd display each task of given user, including tasks not assigned anyone, can claim them if want to). url use in ajax this:


i've tried these parameters no success (no task displayed @ ; peter's, obvisouly):

task?assignee=peter%2cundefined task?assignee=peter%00 task?assignee=peter%2cnull 

any ideas?

i don't think doable via camunda rest api. if not mistaken, there no way specifying condition assignee = peter or assignee null.

i can think of 2 options:

1. make 2 queries

one task?assignee=peter, task?unassigned=true , join lists (they should disjunctive). see http://docs.camunda.org/latest/api-references/rest/#task-get-tasks description of parameters.

2. make native query using java api

native queries allow express arbitrary conditions, can performed using java api. see http://docs.camunda.org/latest/guides/user-guide/#process-engine-process-engine-api-native-queries details on native queries.

in example, code be

list<task> tasks = taskservice.createnativetaskquery()   .sql("select count(*) " + managementservice.gettablename(task.class) + " t t.assignee_ = #{assignee} or t.assignee_ null")   .parameter("assignee", "peter")   .list(); 

if want expose in rest api, embedding , extending resources in custom jax-rs application way go, see http://docs.camunda.org/latest/api-references/rest/#overview-embedding-the-api


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