html5 - An invalid form control with name='' is not focusable. WITHOUT ANY REQUIRED OR HIDDEN INPUTS -

i'm facing known chrome's "not-focusable-input" error situation different explained in other post find there.

i have error message duplicated first on pointed input, input has no required attribute: code:

<fieldset>     <label>total (montaje incl.)</label>     <input type="number" id="pricefinal" name="pricefinal"> € </fieldset> 

the error: an invalid form control name='pricefinal' not focusable.

while user filling form field gets value js script jquery. user type size in input, script maths size value , put outcome in 'pricefinal' input jquery function: .val()

in browser can see input correctly filled , no errors displayed @ time. , 'novalidate' solution goes fine, couldn't responsible nofocusable error, think.

then got same error input no name didn't write , doesn't exist in dom:

an invalid form control name='' not focusable.

this weird because input without name in form type:submit 1

<input type="submit" class="btn btn-default" value="ver presupuesto" /> 

i have few required fields i've checked filled when send form. paste in case help:

<fieldset>     <input type="text" id="clientname" name="clientname" placeholder="nombre y apellidos"  class="cinput" required >     <input type="text" id="client_id" name="client_id" required placeholder="cif / nif / dni" class="cinput"> </fieldset> <fieldset>     <input type="text" id="client_add" name="client_add" placeholder="dirección de facturación" class="addinput" required > </fieldset>  <fieldset>     <input type="text" id="client_ph" name="client_ph" placeholder="teléfono" class="cinput" required>     <input type="email" id="client_mail" name="client_mail" placeholder="email" class="cinput" required>  </fieldset> 

the novalidate solution clears error doesn't fix it, mean there must way solve no hacks.

any 1 have idea of what's might going on? thanks

i had same problem, , blaming poor hidden inputs been required, seems bug having required field inside fieldset. chrome tries focus (for unknown reason) fieldset instead of required input.

this bug present in chrome tested in version 43.0.2357.124 m. doesn't happen in firefox.

example (very simple).

<form>    <fieldset name="mybug">      <select required="required" name="hola">        <option value=''>option 1</option>       </select>      <input type="submit" name="submit" value="send" />    </fieldset>  </form>

an invalid form control name='mybug' not focusable.

the bug hard spot because fieldsets don't have name name='' wtf! slice piece piece form until found culprid. if required input fieldset error gone.

<form>      <select required="required" name="hola">        <option value=''>option 1</option>       </select>      <fieldset name="mybug">      <input type="submit" name="submit" value="send" />    </fieldset>  </form>

i report don't know chrome community bugs.


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