python - How can i use signals in django bulk create -

i have code


now signal

@receiver(pre_save, sender=task) def save_hours(sender, instance, *args, **kwargs):     logger.debug('test') 

now signal not triggered in bulk create

i using django 1.8

as mentioned bulk_create not trigger these signals -

this method inserts provided list of objects database in efficient manner (generally 1 query, no matter how many objects there are).

this has number of caveats though:

  • the model’s save() method not called, , pre_save , post_save signals not sent.
  • it not work child models in multi-table inheritance scenario.
  • if model’s primary key autofield not retrieve , set primary key attribute, save() does.
  • it not work many-to-many relationships.
  • the batch_size parameter controls how many objects created in single query. default create objects in 1 batch, except sqlite default such @ 999 variables per query used.

so have trigger them manually. if want models can override bulk_create , send them -

class custommanager(models.manager):     def bulk_create(items,....):          super().bulk_create(...)          in items:               [......] # code send signal 

then use manager -

class task(models.model):     objects = custommanager()     .... 


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