xml - Get SQL Server instance name from registry -

i'm trying create database , run sql scripts windows installer, works fine long hard-code server name. if try server name registry, installer fail. in case, have 32-bit sql server installed on 64-bit os, i'm using following registry key:

<property id="sql_server_instance">   <registrysearch id="rs_serverinstance"                   type="directory"                   root="hklm"                   key="software\wow6432node\microsoft\microsoft sql server\instance names\sql"                   name="sqlexpress" /> </property> 

then plug property database setup:

    <sql:sqldatabase id="newsqldb" database="wix_test_db" user="users" server="[sql_server_instance]"                      createoninstall="yes" droponuninstall="yes" continueonerror="no" >       <sql:sqlscript ..."/>     </sql:sqldatabase> 

and fail. i've checked registry , name/value pair there "sqlexpress" , value not server instance. server called "sqlexpress", if it's stored name, need know in advance able search it, defeating purpose of attaining in first place.

i understand why code doesn't work, don't know how can server name. i've read can use [sqlserver] sqldatabase@server default server, installer still failed when tried this.

is there way server name (not using registry)?

actually mssqlserver default sql instance, , reserved keyword can't used in instance name according this, think looking sql instances, if you can find in path hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\microsoft sql server there value called installedinstances contains instances names , if use code registry keys brought lists. keep in mind path works if have default named instances or named instances, , after should exclude mssqlserver list


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