mapreduce - hadoop MapR2 job no action -

ayush@ayush-inspiron-3521:~/apps/h260$ jps 3474 resourcemanager 3603 nodemanager 3316 secondarynamenode 3957 jps 3129 datanode 2975 namenode   ayush@ayush-inspiron-3521:~/apps/h260$ bin/hdfs dfs -mkdir /user  ayush@ayush-inspiron-3521:~/apps/h260$ bin/hdfs dfs -mkdir /user/ayush  ayush@ayush-inspiron-3521:~/apps/h260$ bin/hdfs dfs -mkdir /input  ayush@ayush-inspiron-3521:~/apps/h260$ bin/hdfs dfs -put input/ /input  ayush@ayush-inspiron-3521:~/apps/h260$ bin/hadoop jar example.jar firstjoin /input output  ayush@ayush-inspiron-3521:~/apps/h260$ jps 3474 resourcemanager 3603 nodemanager 3316 secondarynamenode 3129 datanode 4206 jps 2975 namenode 

no output or error i.e there's no action happened have example.jar firstjoin class , hdfs input directory , copied file also. suggesion in advance

1.first check jar runnable jar or normal jar
2.if normal jar may have provide package name if package exists
3.if runnable jar make sure while creating runnable jar point driverclass/main class. 4.if above 2 not issue check typing hadoop dfs -ls / , check if directory shows or not.
5.try formating namenode , restarting cluster again...
let me know if anyof works..


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