c++ - How to write structure to file using fwrite without unnecessary characters (Null) -

i can't user imputed data, stored in file. tried:

#include<iostream.h> #include<string.h> #include <fstream>  struct persons {     char name[10];     int dd, mm, yyyy; } a[30],b[30],p;  int n,i;  int main() {        file * pfile;     pfile=fopen("data.int","w");     cout<<"number of persons: ";cin>>n;      for(i=1;i<=n;i++)     {         /*cout<<"person: "<<i<<": "<<endl;         cout<<"name: ";         cin>>a[i].name;         cout<<"day (dd): ";         cin>>a[i].dd;         cout<<"month (mm): ";         cin>>a[i].mm;         cout<<"year (yyyy): ";         cin>>a[i].yyyy;         fwrite(&a, sizeof(a),1, pfile);*/         cout<<"persoana: "<<i<<": "<<endl;         printf("enter name, day(dd), month(mm) , year(yyyy)\n");         scanf("%s %d %d %d",a[i].name,&a[i].dd,&a[i].mm,&a[i].yyyy);         fwrite(&a,sizeof(a),1,pfile);     }     getchar();     return 0; } 

i need in file have persons, on each separated line, in order: name (space) dd (space) mm (space) year (eol). instead have huge line in @ point can see values entered before. had read other topics regarding usage of fwrite, still gives me undesired null values. hints?

many thanks,


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