javascript - jQuery: Not able to uncheck checkbox after binding click event -

using jquery validation plugin basis, created function validate fields without use of form. function binds events form elements perform validation on-the-fly.

there few cases use of form tag not possible, hence function created.

everything seems working correctly except checkboxes uncheckable once checked second time.

please can let me know doing wrong.

      <html>  <head>      <title></title>  </head>  <script src=""></script>  <script>      jquery(document).ready(function() {          jquery('#submit').click(function(){              var options = {                  'name' : {                      required: true                  },                  'email' : {                      required: true,                      email: true                  },                  'number' : {                      required: true,                      digits: true                  },                  'select' : {                      required: true                  },                  'select-multiple' : {                      required: true                  },                  'radio' : {                      required: true                  },                  'checkbox' : {                      required: true                  },                  'checkbox-single' : {                      required: true                  },                  'multiple-emails' : {                      required: true,                      multipleemails: true                  }              };      				              if(customvalidation(options)){                  alert('form validated!');              }else{                  alert('form not validated!');              }          });      });        function customvalidation(options, bindevents){          var fieldsvalid = true;          bindevents = (typeof bindevents === 'undefined') ? true : bindevents;          var errordiv = jquery('#errordiv');      				          jquery.each(options, function(elementidorname, rules){              var element = (jquery('#' + elementidorname).length) ? jquery('#' + elementidorname) : jquery('input[name=' + elementidorname + ']:first');              var elementtype = element.prop('type');              var elementname = element.prop('name');      					              var elementvalid = true;      					              // first remove validation errors              jquery('.error-' + elementname).hide();      					              jquery.each(rules, function(rule, ruleoption){                  // required                  if(rule == 'required' && ruleoption == true){                      // select                      if(elementtype && (elementtype.tolowercase() === 'select' || elementtype.tolowercase() === 'select-one' || elementtype.tolowercase() === 'select-mulitple')){                          var val = element.val();                          if(val && val.length > 0){                              // nothing                          }                          else{                              elementvalid = false;                          }                      }      							                      // checkbox , radio                      if((/radio|checkbox/i).test(elementtype)){                          if(jquery('input[name=' + elementname + ']:checked').length > 0){                              // nothing                          }                          else{                              elementvalid = false;                          }                      }      							                      // text, email, number , textarea                      if(jquery.trim(element.val()).length > 0){                          // nothing                      }                      else{                          elementvalid = false;                      }      							                      if(!elementvalid){                          fieldsvalid = false;                          if(jquery('.error-' + elementname).length == 0) {                              errordiv.append('<div class="error-' + elementname + '">' + elementname + '</div>');                          }                          else{                              jquery('.error-' + elementname).show();                          }                      }                  }      						                  // email                  if(rule == 'email' && ruleoption == true){                      if((/^[a-za-z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-za-z0-9](?:[a-za-z0-9-]{0,61}[a-za-z0-9])?(?:\.[a-za-z0-9](?:[a-za-z0-9-]{0,61}[a-za-z0-9])?)*$/).test(element.val())){                          // nothing                      }                      else{                          elementvalid = false;                      }      							                      if(!elementvalid){                          fieldsvalid = false;                          if(jquery('.error-' + elementname).length == 0) {                              errordiv.append('<div class="error-' + elementname + '">' + elementname + '</div>');                          }                          else{                              jquery('.error-' + elementname).show();                          }                      }                  }      						                  // number                  if(rule == 'number' && ruleoption == true){                      if((/^-?(?:\d+|\d{1,3}(?:,\d{3})+)?(?:\.\d+)?$/).test(element.val())){                          // nothing                      }                      else{                          elementvalid = false;                      }      							                      if(!elementvalid){                          fieldsvalid = false;                          if(jquery('.error-' + elementname).length == 0) {                              errordiv.append('<div class="error-' + elementname + '">' + elementname + '</div>');                          }                          else{                              jquery('.error-' + elementname).show();                          }                      }                  }      						                  // digits                  if(rule == 'digits' && ruleoption == true){                      if((/^\d+$/).test(element.val())){                          // nothing                      }                      else{                          elementvalid = false;                      }      							                      if(!elementvalid){                          fieldsvalid = false;                          if(jquery('.error-' + elementname).length == 0) {                              errordiv.append('<div class="error-' + elementname + '">' + elementname + '</div>');                          }                          else{                              jquery('.error-' + elementname).show();                          }                      }                  }      						                  // multiple emails                  if(rule == 'multipleemails' && ruleoption == true){                      var emailsarr = element.val().replace(/\s/g, '').split(/,|;/);                        for(var = 0; < emailsarr.length; i++){                          if((/^[a-za-z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-za-z0-9](?:[a-za-z0-9-]{0,61}[a-za-z0-9])?(?:\.[a-za-z0-9](?:[a-za-z0-9-]{0,61}[a-za-z0-9])?)*$/).test(emailsarr[i])){                              // nothing                          }                          else{                              elementvalid = false;                          }                      }      							                      if(!elementvalid){                          fieldsvalid = false;                          if(jquery('.error-' + elementname).length == 0) {                              errordiv.append('<div class="error-' + elementname + '">' + elementname + '</div>');                          }                          else{                              jquery('.error-' + elementname).show();                          }                      }                  }              });      					              if(bindevents){                  var currentoption = {};                  currentoption[elementidorname] = rules;      						                  // bind events validate on fly                  switch(elementtype){                      case 'text':                      case 'email':                      case 'number':                      case 'textarea':                          element.unbind('keyup.customvalidation-' + elementname).bind('keyup.customvalidation-' + elementname, function(e){                              return customvalidation(currentoption, false);                          });                          break;                      case 'radio':                      case 'checkbox':                          jquery('input[name=' + elementidorname + ']').each(function (){                              jquery(this).unbind('click.customvalidation-' + elementname).bind('click.customvalidation-' + elementname, function(e){                                  return customvalidation(currentoption, false);                              });                          });                          break;                      case 'select':                      case 'select-one':                      case 'select-multiple':                          element.unbind('change.customvalidation-' + elementname).bind('change.customvalidation-' + elementname, function(e){                              return customvalidation(currentoption, false);                          });                          break;                  }              }          });      				          return fieldsvalid;      }  </script>  <body>      <div id="errordiv">      </div>      <br />      <br />      <input type="text" name="name" id="name" />      <br />      <br />      <input type="email" name="email" id="email" />      <br />      <br />      <input type="number" name="number" id="number" />      <br />      <br />      <select name="select" id="select">          <option></option>          <option>option 1</option>          <option>option 2</option>          <option>option 3</option>      </select>      <br />      <br />      <select name="select-multiple" id="select-multiple" multiple>          <option></option>          <option>option 1</option>          <option>option 2</option>          <option>option 3</option>          <option>option 4</option>          <option>option 5</option>          <option>option 6</option>      </select>      <br />      <br />      <input type="radio" name="radio" />yes      			<input type="radio" name="radio" />no      			<br />      <br />      <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox" />yes      			<input type="checkbox" name="checkbox" />no      			<br />      <br />      <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox-single" id="checkbox-single" />no      			<br />      <br />      <textarea name="multiple-emails" id="multiple-emails"></textarea>      <br />      <br />      <button id="submit">submit</button>  </body>  </html>

example on jsfiddle

jquery(document).ready(function() {    jquery('#submit').click(function() {      var options = {        'name': {          required: true        },        'email': {          required: true,          email: true        },        'number': {          required: true,          digits: true        },        'select': {          required: true        },        'select-multiple': {          required: true        },        'radio': {          required: true        },        'checkbox': {          required: true        },        'checkbox-single': {          required: true        },        'multiple-emails': {          required: true,          multipleemails: true        }      };        if (customvalidation(options)) {        alert('form validated!');      } else {        alert('form not validated!');      }    });  });    function customvalidation(options, bindevents) {    /***  		function based on jquery validation plugin v1.13.1 doesn't require <form> tag  	  		add custom validations in function required  		  		currently supported validations are:  		  		required - field cannot blank  		email - validates email address  		mutliple emails - validates mutliple email addresses  		number - validates decimal number  		digits - validates digits  		  		todo:  		  		equal validation  		allow specifying parent element checkbox , radio elements apply error class  		allow specifying custom error , success functions through function parameter , individual options			  	***/      var fieldsvalid = true;    bindevents = (typeof bindevents === 'undefined') ? true : bindevents;    var errordiv = jquery('#errordiv');      jquery.each(options, function(elementidorname, rules) {      var element = (jquery('#' + elementidorname).length) ? jquery('#' + elementidorname) : jquery('input[name=' + elementidorname + ']:first');      var elementtype = element.prop('type');      var elementname = element.prop('name');        var elementvalid = true;        // first remove validation errors      jquery('.error-' + elementname).hide();        jquery.each(rules, function(rule, ruleoption) {        // required        if (rule == 'required' && ruleoption == true) {          // select          if (elementtype && (elementtype.tolowercase() === 'select' || elementtype.tolowercase() === 'select-one' || elementtype.tolowercase() === 'select-mulitple')) {            var val = element.val();            if (val && val.length > 0) {              // nothing            } else {              elementvalid = false;            }          }            // checkbox , radio          if ((/radio|checkbox/i).test(elementtype)) {            if (jquery('input[name=' + elementname + ']:checked').length > 0) {              // nothing            } else {              elementvalid = false;            }          }            // text, email, number , textarea          if (jquery.trim(element.val()).length > 0) {            // nothing          } else {            elementvalid = false;          }            if (!elementvalid) {            fieldsvalid = false;            if (jquery('.error-' + elementname).length == 0) {              errordiv.append('<div class="error-' + elementname + '">' + elementname + '</div>');            } else {              jquery('.error-' + elementname).show();            }          }        }          // email        if (rule == 'email' && ruleoption == true) {          if ((/^[a-za-z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-za-z0-9](?:[a-za-z0-9-]{0,61}[a-za-z0-9])?(?:\.[a-za-z0-9](?:[a-za-z0-9-]{0,61}[a-za-z0-9])?)*$/).test(element.val())) {            // nothing          } else {            elementvalid = false;          }            if (!elementvalid) {            fieldsvalid = false;            if (jquery('.error-' + elementname).length == 0) {              errordiv.append('<div class="error-' + elementname + '">' + elementname + '</div>');            } else {              jquery('.error-' + elementname).show();            }          }        }          // number        if (rule == 'number' && ruleoption == true) {          if ((/^-?(?:\d+|\d{1,3}(?:,\d{3})+)?(?:\.\d+)?$/).test(element.val())) {            // nothing          } else {            elementvalid = false;          }            if (!elementvalid) {            fieldsvalid = false;            if (jquery('.error-' + elementname).length == 0) {              errordiv.append('<div class="error-' + elementname + '">' + elementname + '</div>');            } else {              jquery('.error-' + elementname).show();            }          }        }          // digits        if (rule == 'digits' && ruleoption == true) {          if ((/^\d+$/).test(element.val())) {            // nothing          } else {            elementvalid = false;          }            if (!elementvalid) {            fieldsvalid = false;            if (jquery('.error-' + elementname).length == 0) {              errordiv.append('<div class="error-' + elementname + '">' + elementname + '</div>');            } else {              jquery('.error-' + elementname).show();            }          }        }          // multiple emails        if (rule == 'multipleemails' && ruleoption == true) {          var emailsarr = element.val().replace(/\s/g, '').split(/,|;/);            (var = 0; < emailsarr.length; i++) {            if ((/^[a-za-z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-za-z0-9](?:[a-za-z0-9-]{0,61}[a-za-z0-9])?(?:\.[a-za-z0-9](?:[a-za-z0-9-]{0,61}[a-za-z0-9])?)*$/).test(emailsarr[i])) {              // nothing            } else {              elementvalid = false;            }          }            if (!elementvalid) {            fieldsvalid = false;            if (jquery('.error-' + elementname).length == 0) {              errordiv.append('<div class="error-' + elementname + '">' + elementname + '</div>');            } else {              jquery('.error-' + elementname).show();            }          }        }      });        if (bindevents) {        var currentoption = {};        currentoption[elementidorname] = rules;          // bind events validate on fly        switch (elementtype) {          case 'text':          case 'email':          case 'number':          case 'textarea':            element.unbind('keyup.customvalidation-' + elementname).bind('keyup.customvalidation-' + elementname, function(e) {              return customvalidation(currentoption, false);            });            break;          case 'radio':          case 'checkbox':            jquery('input[name=' + elementidorname + ']').each(function() {              jquery(this).unbind('click.customvalidation-' + elementname).bind('change.customvalidation-' + elementname, function(e) {                console.log(e);                return customvalidation(currentoption);              });            });            break;          case 'select':          case 'select-one':          case 'select-multiple':            element.unbind('change.customvalidation-' + elementname).bind('change.customvalidation-' + elementname, function(e) {              return customvalidation(currentoption, false);            });            break;        }      }    });      return fieldsvalid;  }


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