Yii2 - adding external js and css in AssetBundle, showing 404 not found error -

this assetbundle code.

public $basepath = '@webroot';     public $baseurl = '@web';     public $css = [         'css/site.css',         'css/normalize.css',         'chosen/chosen.css',      ];     public $js = [         'js/classie.js',     ]; 

when use code , getting view file this, , getting 404 not found error:

   > http://site.loc/frontend/web/chosen/chosen.css    > http://site.loc/frontend/web/css/css/normalize.css    > http://kometonline.loc/frontend/web/js/classie.js 

and @ same time site.css working fine. how rectify error?

that means files don't exist path.

move them correct path or change paths in asset bundle.


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