Excel Userform Iframe Autoscroll -

what have user form image iframe multiple input fields. have created scrollable region input fields not fit on userform. happens when click part of image iframe scroll downwards input box applicable set foceu. works great using script below, question how set go horizonatal instead of vertical now

sub scrollframe(topvisiblecontrol object) ' declares sub named scrollframe , (procedure scoped) variable named topvisiblecontrol frame10.scrollleft = scrolltop = topvisiblecontrol.top end sub 

i call function with

call scrollframe(comboboxga37) 

trial error figured out if sels interested here script below

sub scrollframe(leftvisiblecontrol object) ' declares sub named scrollframe , (procedure scoped) variable named topvisiblecontrol frame10.scrollleft = leftvisiblecontrol.left end sub 


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