dll - How to use other language code in Delphi? -

i interested in integrating language audio programming language (chuck) delphi project. know maybe possible dynamic-link libraries (.dlls) not familiar this.

does know how can configure project 2 languages working together?

a quick glance @ chuck documentation suggests 3 possible approaches, arising fact chuck both language , virtual machine (vm) run programs written in language.

chuck open source, full source code of vm available written in c++. chuck available either in source code form or ready-to-run executable supported platforms.

i find no reference dll version of vm use within other programs. isn't such dll has not been developed others, couldn't find reference 1 , not appear part of standard distribution of chuck itself.

i did find some source code references dll in context of chuck not entirely clear me whether dll api using chuck or part of implementation, allowing chuck modularised or extended via dll's.

the 3 options see before are:

  1. port chuck vm delphi. is, translate of chuck vm source code delphi. give version of chuck implemented entirely in delphi capable of running chuck programs.

  2. implement dll api (possibly based around or starting link above) existing chuck vm source code in c++ in way enables run chuck programs calling dll run existing c++ implementation of chuck.

  3. run chuck programs using chuck exe using shellexecute(), winexec() or createprocess() etc, if wished run other external program delphi program.

these presented in descending order of difficulty. is, full port delphi (opt 1) beyond capability.

implementing dll interface around existing c++ code (opt 2) may possible depending on c++ , windows development skills.

calling external program (opt 3) relatively straightforward.

which approach right depends on nature of assignment, objectives, , confidence/skills in areas involved.

good luck.


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