python - Multiple concurrent fsm Fysom -
i writing code in python operations , these operations has concurrent reason why draw fsm 2 concurrent fsms. while using fysom in python thought of having definition of 2 fsms. @ point thinking how transition happen; confused little bit here , that's why asking support. if 1 can please , grateful .. way defined fsms please tell me if makes no sense in fysom or no
fsm1 = fysom({ 'initial':'idle', 'events':[ {'name':'sc','src':'idle','dst':'percent30'}, {'name':'sc','src':'percent30','dst':'percent60'}, {'name':'sc','src':'percent60','dst':'percent90'}, {'name':'sc','src':'percent90','dst':'idle'} ], 'callbacks':{ 'onidle':onidle, 'onread':onpercent30, 'onturnon':onpercent60, 'ondisplay':onpercent90 } }) fsm2 = fysom({ 'initial':'sr', 'events':[ {'name':'right','src':'sr','dst':'sl'}, {'name':'left','src':'sl','dst':'sr'} ], 'callbacks':{ 'onidle':onsr, 'onread':onsl } })
the transition take me out of fsm1 fsm2 not added, part confused , wanted ask if thinking of maybe not possible , have merge both in one.
it works if use threading
fysom import fysom import threading termcolor import colored import time def onidle(e): print 'fan off' def ons30(e): print 'fan running @ 30% speed' def ons60(e): print 'fan running @ 60% speed' def ons90(e): print 'fan running @ 90% speed' def onswingingright(e): if fsm1.current != "idle": print 'fan swinging right' def onswingingleft(e): if fsm1.current != "idle": print 'fan swinging left' def onnoswinging(e): if fsm1.current != "idle": print 'fan not swinging' def onswinging(e): if fsm1.current != "idle": print 'fan swinging' def onmeasure(e): print colored(' measuring temperature', 'red') def onmedian(e): print colored(' finding median', 'red') def onlcd(e): print colored(' updating lcd', 'red') fsm1 = fysom( {'initial': 'idle','events': [ {'name': 'sc', 'src': 'idle', 'dst': 's30'}, {'name': 'sc', 'src': 's30', 'dst': 's60'}, {'name': 'sc', 'src': 's60', 'dst': 's90'}, {'name': 'sc', 'src': 's90', 'dst': 'idle'} ], 'callbacks': { 'onidle': onidle, 'ons30': ons30, 'ons60': ons60, 'ons90': ons90} }) fsm2 = fysom( {'initial': 'swingingright','events': [ {'name': 'right', 'src': 'swingingright', 'dst': 'swingingleft'}, {'name': 'left', 'src': 'swingingleft', 'dst': 'swingingright'} ], 'callbacks': { 'onswingingright': onswingingright, 'onswingingleft': onswingingleft } }) fsm3 = fysom( {'initial': 'noswinging','events': [ {'name': 'swing', 'src': 'noswinging', 'dst': 'swinging'}, {'name': 'swing', 'src': 'swinging', 'dst': 'noswinging'} ], 'callbacks': { 'onnoswinging': onnoswinging, 'onswinging': onswinging } }) fsm4 = fysom( {'initial': 'measure','events': [ {'name': 'timeup', 'src': 'measure', 'dst': 'median'}, {'name': 'l', 'src': 'median', 'dst': 'lcd'}, {'name': 'l', 'src': 'lcd', 'dst': 'measure'} ], 'callbacks': { 'onmeasure': onmeasure, 'onmedian': onmedian, 'onlcd':onlcd } }) def controlthreadloop(): while true: input = raw_input(">>>>> \n") if input == 'sc': elif input == 'swing': fsm3.swing() elif input == 'left': fsm2.left() elif input =='right': fsm2.right() def monitoringthreadloop(): while true: time.sleep(5.0) fsm4.timeup() fsm4.l() fsm4.l() controlthread = threading.thread(target=controlthreadloop) monitoringthread = threading.thread(target=monitoringthreadloop) controlthread.start(); monitoringthread.start();
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