c++ - Using zlib with mingw -

i trying read test.zip file using zlib library , extract contents. requirement read each file , output content (unzipped) first memory , file.

i tried below code:

#include <iostream> #include <zlib.h>  using namespace std;   #define line 1024  int main() {     const char *filename = "hello.zip";     gzfile infilez = gzopen(filename, "rb");     if (infilez == null) {         printf("error: failed gzopen %s\n", filename);         return -1;     }     unsigned char unzipbuffer[8192];     unsigned int unzippedbytes;     std::vector<unsigned char> unzippeddata;     while (true) {         unzippedbytes = gzread(infilez, unzipbuffer, 8192);         if (unzippedbytes > 0) {             cout << unzippedbytes << endl;             (int = 0; < unzippedbytes; i++) {                 cout << unzipbuffer[i];             }         } else {             break;         }     }     gzclose(infilez);     return 0; } 

i got above example web. mentioned gzread inflates contents , fills buffer (here unzipbuffer). when tried print it, printing same contents of .zip file (example pk..... non readable code).

i believe not correctly using apis of zlib. not find example related this. can me here?

the zlib library not directly process zip format. zlib provides raw deflate compression , decompression need process deflated zip entries, crc-32 calculation facility. need write own code or use library parse , process zip format.

gzip not zip. 2 different formats use, or may use, same raw compression format within.


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