javascript - How can krpano play videos inline on an iPhone? -

the iphone (until ios8 @ least) can't play videos inline. every time video starts, video element goes fullscreen; if exit fullscreen video pauses.

this has been rule far noticed krpano can play actual video inline on iphone through webgl: demo

from can tell, use normal <video> element not attached document:

var v = document.queryselector('video');    // remove document  v.parentnode.removechild(v);     // touch anywhere play  document.ontouchstart = function () {;  }
<video playsinline webkit-playsinline preload="auto" crossorigin="anonymous" src="" loop style="transform: translatez(0px);"></video>  touch anywhere in here , wait start.

but alone doesn't seem enough: when video played, goes fullscreen.

how manage prevent video going fullscreen?

i figured out, skim video inline , synchronize audio, instead of .play()'ing it.

i wrote module takes care of playing video , synchronizing audio (but works on videos without sound track): iphone-inline-video


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