indexing - PL/SQL can't put value into index by table -

i can't put value of v_emp emp_table. going wrong @ line:

emp_table(counter) := v_emp; 

the error is:

invalid use of type name of subtype name

i can't see problem is..

create or replace procedure laatste_emp     v_emp   employees%rowtype;     type emp_table table of      employees%rowtype index pls_integer;     counter number := 0; begin     select * v_emp     employees     hire_date =     (select max(hire_date) employees);     dbms_output.put_line(v_emp.employee_id || ' ' || v_emp.last_name || ' ' || v_emp.hire_date); exception      when too_many_rows         in 100 .. 206 loop             select * v_emp             employees              employee_id =             , hire_date = (select max(hire_date) employees);             if sql%found                 emp_table(counter) := v_emp;                 counter := counter + 1;             end if;         end loop; end; / 

your type emp_table table of employees%rowtype index pls_integer; declares type, not actual variable can write into. need add variable too:

type emp_table_type table of employees%rowtype index pls_integer; emp_table emp_table_type; 

please note added "_type" suffix definition.


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