node.js - Loading fixtures in sails tests -

the docs say

// here can load fixtures, etc. 

i've worked out can include

var fixtures = require('./fixtures/models.js'); 

in bootstrap script, full bootstrap script is:

/*  * lifts sails before testing comenses.  */  var sails = require('sails'); var sails;  before(function(done) {   this.timeout(5000);    sails.lift({     // configuration testing purposes     environment: 'test',   }, function(err, server) {     sails = server;     if (err) {       return done(err);     }      // here can load fixtures, etc.     var fixtures = require('./fixtures/models.js');     done(err, sails);   }); });  after(function(done) {   // here can clear fixtures, etc.   sails.lower(done); }); 

i can reference fixtures var in boot script, can't reference in test. undefined.


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