bash - Store rsync error in variable -

i've written bash script sync backups local storage, script checks whether backup been made on day script executed, , if sync's.

i've made way if accident (or other way) backups deleted original location, synced backups on second storage won't deleted upon next sync.

#!/bin/bash files_found=`ssh user@xx.xx.xx.xx "find /home/data_folder/test* -type f -mtime -1"`  rsync_to_location="/home/test_folder/";      rsync_from_location="/home/data_folder/";   if [ "$files_found" = 0 ];     echo "file not found!"     send_error=`ssh user@xx.xx.xx.xx "echo 'this message body' | mail -s 'this subject' user@localhost"` else     echo "files found!"     rsync -arzt --ignore-existing --delete --max-delete=1 -e 'ssh' user@xx.xx.xx.xx:$rsync_from_location $rsync_to_location      if [[ $? -gt 0 ]];         send_error=`ssh user@xx.xx.xx.xx "echo 'this message body' | mail -s 'this subject' earmaster@localhost"`     fi fi 

now question is, if rsync fails (max deletions), how can store message , send mail?

i've tried with

rsync_error="rsync -arzt --ignore-existing --delete --max-delete=1 -e 'ssh' user@xx.xx.xx.xx:$rsync_from_location $rsync_to_location" 

and add $rsync_error mail call, doesn't seem work

the line have put here store command string , not run it.

rsync_error="rsync -arzt --ignore-existing --delete --max-delete=1 -e 'ssh' user@xx.xx.xx.xx:$rsync_from_location $rsync_to_location" 

to capture output need put in $( ) so.

rsync_error=$(rsync -arzt --ignore-existing --delete --max-delete=1 -e 'ssh' user@xx.xx.xx.xx:$rsync_from_location $rsync_to_location) 

this capture stdout of executed command wanting stderr assume. better way of doing might pipe stderr file , handle output way.

# rsync err output file err_output="/tmp/rsync_err_$$" # when script exits, remove file trap "rm -f $err_output" exit  # use 2> direct stderr output file rsync -arzt --ignore-existing --delete --max-delete=1 -e 'ssh' user@xx.xx.xx.xx:$rsync_from_location $rsync_to_location 2> "$err_output"  # ever error file 


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