unity3d - posting a JSON request in Unity -

i know how post json request server in unity.

for example:

my url is: http://www.neurobic.com/services/scoreupload.svc/json/getgameconfigurationlite

i need profile of logged in player , service requires few parameters passed. example.

j.addfield ("id", "1234567890"); j.addfield ("magickey", applicationservices.magickey);  j.addfield ("requestedby", "09996f84-1a06-e211-a518-001aa020d699"); j.addfield ("timestamp", "/date(1547535370953)/");  j.addfield ("requestsource", 1); j.addfield ("requestedgameid", "375b43c0-91be-e011-a505-001aa020d699");  j.addfield ("requestedpersonid", "09996f84-1a06-e211-a518-001aa020d699"); 

this service responds json information based on parameters of posted request.

so how should it.

check out wwwform documentation.

it should this.

void start() {     startcoroutine(postit()); } private ienumerator postit() {     wwwform j = new wwwform();     j.addfield("id", "1234567890");     j.addfield("magickey", applicationservices.magickey);     j.addfield("requestedby", "09996f84-1a06-e211-a518-001aa020d699");     j.addfield("timestamp", "/date(1547535370953)/");     j.addfield("requestsource", 1);     j.addfield("requestedgameid", "375b43c0-91be-e011-a505-001aa020d699");     j.addfield("requestedpersonid", "09996f84-1a06-e211-a518-001aa020d699");     www www = new www("http://www.neurobic.com/services/scoreupload.svc/json/getgameconfigurationlite", j);     yield     return www;     debug.log(www.text); // => json response } 


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