unit testing - Importing a file from a different directory in Python -

here 2 folder structures:

a/b/c/d/e/f.py  a/b/c/g/h/i/test.py 

my test.py wants import class of f.py. have set root directory c. tried:

from c.d.f import fclassname 

this not working. message is

importerror: no module named c.d.f 

i have ensure directories have __init__.py files. don't want add code test.py. want add code in __init__.py applies future test files i'll write.
in __init__.py of directory h, have written follwing code:

import os import sys root = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../')) sys.path.append(root) 

where going wrong?

use file structure inside c.

. |-- d |   |-- e |   |   |-- f.py |   |   |-- __init__.py |   |   `-- __pycache__ |   |       |-- f.cpython-34.pyc |   |       `-- __init__.cpython-34.pyc |   |-- __init__.py |   `-- __pycache__ |       `-- __init__.cpython-34.pyc `-- g     |-- h     |   |--     |   |   `-- foo.py     |   `-- __init__.py     `-- __init__.py 

foo.py be

from d.e import f  f.foo() 

run pythonpath including current directory (.) c.

$ pythonpath=. python3.4 g/h/i/foo.py 




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