java - gradle - copy file after its generation -
try build jar , after copy folder.
task createjar(type: jar) { archivename = "gradlejarproject.jar" manifest { attributes 'implementation-title': 'gradle jar file example', 'implementation-version': version, 'main-class': 'me.test.test' } basename = { configurations.compile.collect { it.isdirectory() ? : ziptree(it) } } jar } task copyjartobin { copy { 'build/libs/gradlejarproject.jar' "d:/tmp" } } task buildapp (dependson: [clean, createjar, copyjartobin])
but can't figure out 1 problem. copyjartobin task try copy old jar. if delete /build folder in project , run buildapp() task, task createjar() generate .jar file, copyjartobin() won't find .jar file.
could me?
the culprit copyjartobin
task. when doing
task copyjartobin { copy { 'build/libs/gradlejarproject.jar' "d:/tmp" } }
you copy jar during configuration time using copy
method. (see gradle user guide @ understand build lifecycle) want run actual copy operation during execution phase (the execution of task).
one way solve move call of copy
method dolast block:
task copyjartobin { dolast { copy { 'build/libs/gradlejarproject.jar' "d:/tmp" } } }
the problem approach won't benefit of gradles incremental build feature , copy file every single time execute task though file hasn't changed.
a better , more idionmatic way of writing copyjartobin task change task implementation use copy
task type:
task copyjartobin(type: copy) { 'build/libs/gradlejarproject.jar' "d:/tmp" }
we can improve snippet taking advantage of gradle's autowiring feature. can declare output of 1 task input another. instead of writing `build/libs/gradlejarproject.jar' can do:
task copyjartobin(type: copy) { createjar // shortcut createjar.outputs.files "d:/tmp" }
now don't need bother task ordering gradle know createjar
task must executed before copyjartobin
task can executed.
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