Use jQuery Dialog with jQuery Mobile -

i have been using jquery build dynamic dialogs taking user input. dynamic in sense html content of dialog not defined in html page.

for instance :

    showpassworddialogconfirmuser: function (callback) {         $('<div></div>').dialog({             modal: true,             title: "enter password connect dynamix !",             open: function () {                 var markup = '<input type="password" id="dynamixuserpassword"/>';                 $(this).html(markup);             },             buttons: {                 'forgot ?': function () {                     $(this).dialog("close");                     dynamix.binding = false;                     dynamix.bound = false;                     pairingutils.clearallcookies();                     dynamix.bind();                 },                 'connect': function () {                     callback($('#dynamixuserpassword').val());                     $(this).dialog("close");                 }             }         });     } 

i have been trying of sort in jquery mobile cant find works. jqm needs html content of popup predefined in page not have access html page. i've tried using jquery ui , jqm messes lot of ui stuff.

any workarounds ?

js fiddle sample :

the dialog doesn't show on using jquery ui , jquery mobile together.


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