matlab - Sum of absolute differences and Manhattan distance for image analysis -

i wish find out close resemblance of 'a' 'b' image , 'a' 'c' image. result sum of absolute difference of 'a'and 'b' or 'a'and 'c' gives less treated close 'a' among 'b' , 'c'.

i have used following matlab code purpose.

sad_natural=imabsdiff(inputimage,reconstructedimage_natural); sad_knn=imabsdiff(inputimage,reconstructedimage_knn);  figure('name','sad_natural','numbertitle','off'),imshow(sad_natural,[]); figure('name','sad_knn','numbertitle','off'),imshow(sad_knn,[]); 

here give me 2 images. want find out distance between them(close-ness). how can use manhattan distance in matlab.

as noted yourself, imabsdiff returns image per-pixel absolute differences. if want single number represents the "distance between 2 images", may want at

 mydista_b = mean( sad_natural(:) );  mydista_c = mean( sad_knn(:) ); 

and based on these numbers can decide if b better reconstruction of c or vice versa.


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