r - Get (multiple) custom icons in leaflet from rCharts -

i looking create map using rcharts/leaflet cannot figure out how create custom icons , use them.

here solution, not work: https://github.com/ramnathv/rcharts/issues/301

l1$geojson(togeojson(data_),    pointtolayer =  "#! function(feature, latlng){     return l.marker(latlng, {icon: l.icon.extend({       options: {         shadowurl: 'leaf-shadow.png',         iconsize:     [38, 95],         shadowsize:   [50, 64],         iconanchor:   [22, 94],         shadowanchor: [4, 62],         popupanchor:  [-3, -76]       }})     })   } !#" ) 

but not work. , iconurl not defined here not changed right? glad have reproducable example.

ps: best case multiple icons. has clue on that?


ok figured out. had place *.png files in same folder index.html file located, not project folder. there way include them can use rstudio viewer that?

you can create new icons

var mynewicon = l.icon({     iconurl: 'my-icon.png',     iconretinaurl: 'my-icon@2x.png',     iconsize: [38, 95],     iconanchor: [22, 94],     popupanchor: [-3, -76],     shadowurl: 'my-icon-shadow.png',     shadowretinaurl: 'my-icon-shadow@2x.png',     shadowsize: [68, 95],     shadowanchor: [22, 94] }); 

then reference return l.marker(latlng, {icon: mynewicon}).i don't see making new instance of icon in posted code example, you're extending base class. don't think mean extend class in case.


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