vbscript - Dynamic Link in UFT automation? -

i want write dynamic vbscript web automation in uft 12.02. pass dynamic value part of link. here sample line code:

set objexcel = createobject("excel.application") objexcel.workbooks.open "f:\automation\web\business\webtestdata.xls"  curr= 1 20     usd = objexcel.sheets(1).cells(curr,1).value     if browser("...").page("...").exist        browser("...").page("...").webelement("webelement").click        'attempt click on drop down link        browser("...").page("...").link("usd").click     end if next 

"usd" keep changing, i.e. picking excel.

expected result:

generate script attempt click on different links below:

browser("...").page("...").link("euro").click browser("...").page("...").link("bp").click browser("...").page("...").link("aed").click browser("...").page("...").link("ksh").click browser("...").page("...").link("ir").click 

i have 0 experience uft, shouldn't using variable usd instead of string "usd" want?

for curr= 1 20   usd = objexcel.sheets(1).cells(curr,1).value   if browser("...").page("...").exist     browser("...").page("...").webelement("webelement").click     'attempt click on drop down link     browser("...").page("...").link(usd).click   end if next 


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