How to create rewrite rule to Rename PDF file on the fly while Downloading using nginx? -

i working on site allowing users download pdf files. each pdf file stored on server using random hash names, eg.

file 768e1f881783bd61583d64422797632a35b6804c.pdf  stored in /usr/share/nginx/html/contents/7/6/8/e/1/768e1f881783bd61583d64422797632a35b6804c.pdf  

now can try give users direct location of file , file name after being downloaded shown 768e1f881783bd61583d64422797632a35b6804c.pdf , rename file on fly, can achive using php this

<?php // we'll outputting pdf   header('content-type: application/pdf');  // called downloaded.pdf   header('content-disposition: attachment; filename="downloaded.pdf"');  // pdf source in original.pdf   readfile('original.pdf'); ?>  

ref: rename pdf file downloaded on fly

but lloking nginx rules directly can rewrite download urls path , rename on fly.

how can ?

i have tried this.

location ^/download-pdf {     alias   /usr/share/nginx/html/contents; if ($request_filename ~ ^.*?/[^/]*?_(.*?\..*?)$) {     set $filename $1; }  add_header content-disposition 'attachment; filename=$filename'; } 

so if send user location 

then want file downloaded @ users pc using title/filename


can done using nginx rewrite rules ? or need use php ?


i have tried using

location ^/download-pdf/([0-9a-f])/([0-9a-f])/([0-9a-f])/([0-9a-f])/([0-9a-f])/([0-9a-f]+).pdf$ {     alias   /usr/share/nginx/basesite/html/contents; add_header content-disposition 'attachment; filename="$arg_title.pdf"';  } 

but accessing url gives 404 not found error.


tried this

location ~ /download-pdf { alias   /usr/share/nginx/html; rewrite ^/download-pdf/([0-9a-fa-f])/([0-9a-fa-f])/([0-9a-fa-f])/([0-9a-fa-f])/([0-9a-fa-f])/([0-9a-fa-f]+).pdf$ /contents/$1/$2/$3/$4/$5/$6.pdf break; add_header content-disposition 'attachment; filename="$arg_title.pdf"';  } 

still getting 404 not found.

you can't use both alias , rewrite if remember correctly. instead, use location regex match , captures available both add_header , alias directives:

location ~* /download-pdf/([0-9a-fa-f])([0-9a-fa-f])([0-9a-fa-f])([0-9a-fa-f])([0-9a-fa-f])([0-9a-fa-f]+)\.pdf$ {     add_header content-disposition 'attachment; filename="$arg_title"';     alias   /usr/share/nginx/basesite/html/contents/$1/$2/$3/$4/$5/$1$2$3$4$5$6.pdf; } 

this match url: 

and map file path:


note: if wants make regex less ugly means go it!


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