selenium - TypeError: Failed to execute 'createNSResolver' on 'Document': parameter 1 is not of type 'Node' -

i'm using cucumber watir web-driver , chrome browser. when execute tests, there error this:

"selenium::webdriver::error::invalidselectorerror: invalid selector: unable locate element xpath expression //a[contains(., 'joao moreira')] because of following error: typeerror: failed execute 'creatensresolver' on 'document': parameter 1 not of type 'node'. (session info: chrome=43.0.2357.81) (driver info: chromedriver=2.9.248315,platform=windows nt 6.3 x86_64)"

i tried answer trough google no success.

pretty sure this issue here:

and fixed of selenium 2.46.0. haven't seen error since moving.


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