javascript - How to get the selected rows from different pages in a data table using jquery -

i using these script rows data table,but it's giving current page selected row values can rows pages present in data table using jquery.


var tablevalues =[];      $("#table-sparkline").datatable().fndestroy();       var otable2 = $('#table-sparkline').datatable({                 "aasorting": []     });     otable2.fncleartable();                 //alert("in nth child");                //var values = $(this).html();                        //alert(values);         var table = $('#example1').datatable();          tablevalues.length=0;         tablevalues=(table.rows('.selected').data());         for(var i=0;i<tablevalues.length;i++){          otable2.fnadddata([                 tablevalues[i]                 ]);         }     } 

in order retrieve data, need make separate ajax request mimicking behavior of datatables.

you can use ajax.params(), gets data submitted datatables server in last ajax request.

function processallrecords(){    var req = $('#example1 table').datatable().ajax.params();     // reset request parameters retrieve records    req.start = 0;    req.length = -1; = "";     // request data    $.ajax({       'url': 'script.php',       'data': req,       'datatype': 'json'    })    .done(function(json){       // array of data source objects (array/object),       // 1 each row       console.log(json);    }); } 


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