Continuing script after failure on os.system call python -

i have script have written scan directory of text files , if finds them, creates system call run script on txt file. still working on couple little bugs causes of system calls fail. like, however, not kill script. informed of error move on life. seems successful call returns 0 while call resulted in error returns n. tried compare result 0 never gets far. suggestions on how can accomplish this??

import sys, getopt, os  def main(argv):      def scan_dir(path):             temp_path = path             print temp_path             file in os.listdir(path):                     temp_path += file                     if file.endswith(".txt"):                             result = os.system("python -i %s" % path)                             if result != 0                                     print "error!"                      temp_path = path       def usage():             print "usage: [hi:]\n \                   \t -h\t print usage\n \                   \t -i\t directory path\n"             sys.exit(2)      if(len(argv) == 0):             usage()      path = ''      try:             opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"hi:",["path="])     except getopt.getopterror:             usage()      opt, arg in opts:             if opt == '-h':                     usage()              elif opt in ("-i", "--ipath"):                     path = arg     if path.endswith('/') == false:             path += '/'      scan_dir(path)    if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv[1:]) 

you should using subprocess module in particular check_call, catching calledprocesserror raised non-zero exit status:

 subprocess import check_call,calledprocesserror          try:        check_call(["python", "", "-i",path])   except calledprocesserror e:        print e.message 

not easy follow code, suggest not nesting other functions in main. use glob find txt files:

from glob import  glob  def scan_dir(path):     files = (os.path.join(path,f) f in glob(os.path.join(path,"*.txt")))     fle in files:             try:             check_call(["python", "", "-i", fle])         except calledprocesserror e:             print e.message  def usage():     print "usage: [hi:]\n \           \t -h\t print usage\n \           \t -i\t directory path\n"     sys.exit(2)   if __name__ == "__main__":     args = sys.argv[1:]     if not args:         usage()     path = ''     try:         opts, args = getopt.getopt(args, "hi:",["path="])     except getopt.getopterror:             usage()      opt, arg in opts:         if opt == '-h':                 usage()         elif opt in ("-i", "--ipath"):                     path = arg     if not path.endswith('/'):             path += '/'     scan_dir(path) 


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